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Monday, November 14, 2011

ABC's of Parenting

I came across this article the other day that I thought was interesting and straightforward. It gives fantastic ideas for interacting with your children! I thought I would share it with you all. I hope you all had a great weekend! School is off to a great start for the week. As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments! :)

The ABC's of Parenting

By Leah Davies, M.Ed.

    1. Accept and value yourself and your child.
    2. Be consistent, honest, fair, and firm as you relate to your child.
    3. Concentrate on what you like about your child and comment on it.
    4. Develop interests of your own.
    5. Encourage your child to discuss ideas and goals, expressing the belief that he or she can do many things well.
    6. Forgive your child's mistakes, which are a natural part of learning.
    7. Gladly share your time, affection, and support.
    8. Help your child feel safe and secure.
    9. Interest your child in work by complimenting his or her efforts.
    10. Joyfully take pleasure in life.
    11. Keep harsh criticisms to yourself; avoid using "should" and "ought."
    12. Let your child experience the results of his or her behavior.
    13. Model by example those qualities you want your child to have.
    14. Negotiate privileges and responsibilities, avoid overindulgence.
    15. Offer some choices, allowing your child to make decisions.
    16. Problem-solve with your child, listening carefully to his or her thoughts and feelings.
    17. Quit blaming, shaming, and threatening.
    18. Respect your child's right to grow at his or her own rate without being pushed or compared to others.
    19. Share household tasks among all family members so that your child makes a contribution and feels a sense of belonging.
    20. Take time to read with your child, thus instilling a love of books and learning.
    21. Use a photo album to record pleasant family memories.
    22. Value honesty, kindness, dependability, truthfulness and caring.
    23. Weather trials together as a family.
    24. eXamine your attitude toward your child.
    25. Yield to professional advice concerning healthy living habits.
    26. Zestfully participate in a variety of family traditions and activities.

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